Rules for publishing in the Al sharq University Research Journal

1. The research must not have been previously published, in any electronic or paper medium.


2. The submitted research is written in clear and simple language.


3. The research is characterized by originality, innovation, cognitive value, accurate documentation, and scientific honesty.


4. Introductory articles that do not include the basic pillars of research and do not present the researcher’s personal results are not permitted for publication.


5. It is preferable for the research to contain all of the following elements: a summary in Arabic and another in English - the introduction - the importance of the research - the research objectives - the problem - hypotheses - previous studies - the applied aspect - the results - the discussion - the proposals and recommendations - the conclusion - the references.


6. Avoid defaming any cultural thought, political, social or religious belief.


7. Research written in languages other than Arabic is welcomed.


8. The research, including sources, footnotes, and tables, should not exceed seven thousand words, and not less than four thousand words, including the Arabic and English summaries and references. Except in special cases imposed by the nature of the research.


9. The researcher whose research has been accepted will be granted a publication acceptance document.


10. Research is published in the journal according to seniority, issue file, or journal preferences.


11. Correspondence should be directed to the editor-in-chief, via the magazine’s e-mail address, which is:


12. The researcher’s updated CV shall be attached to the research, for inclusion in the journal’s database.