Document format

1. Manuscripts are written on A4 paper; Research title: in bold Calibri font, size (20), and research subtitle: in bold Calibri font, size (18); Heading 1: Arial bold, size 18; Heading 2: Arial bold, size 16; Heading 3: Arial bold, size 14; Text: Times New Roman, size 14, line spacing 1.5; Footnotes are in Times New Roman font, size (12), and line spacing (1.0). A line space is left before each heading, and the space is removed after the paragraph throughout the document; The first line is indented throughout the document by 0.7 cm. A space is added after each paragraph; References must be numbered, in Times New Roman font, size 12, and line spacing 1.0.

2. The custom margins are as follows: top 4cm, bottom 4cm, left 4cm, right 4.5cm.

3. Use a Word processor, and send a PDF copy of the research as well.

4. The original copies of the drawings, figures, and data shall be attached on a separate Word page, after they have been included in the research and properly numbered, just like the tables, in Times New Roman font, size 12, bold.

5. Footnotes are inserted below the body of the text.

6. The documentation style (APA 7) is adopted in including quotations within the research, and in the list of sources and references at the end.